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Welcome to our acid reflux Information site.  Here you will find great resources, articles, links and more about acid reflux.

Acid reflux, also known as GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease), is an annoying and sometimes painful condition that happens when acid and other materials in the stomach back up--reflux--into your esophagus.

Learn what you can do to relieve heartburn and acid reflux disease with some of these helpful articles...

The Acid Reflux Condition And Its Treatment
If the gastric juices containing acid travel back from the stomach into the esophagus, we can say that person has an acid reflux condition. People affected by the acid reflux, have often symptoms Read more...
Acid Reflux: Causes And Treatments
Most people have experienced 'Heartburn' or Acid Reflux at some stage - usually after a rich meal or heavy drinking session: with symptoms mainly being a burning feeling behind the breastbone. In Read more...
#Alternative Therapies For Acid Reflux Disease
By By Carl Spanier 
Acid Reflux Disease, or GERD, is a common disease which affects approximately 5-7% of the population. It occurs when acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus, a long, thin, muscular tube, Read more...
acid reflux news:

Morphine eases pain, doesn't shorten life
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - When given in the appropriate doses to treat cancer pain, morphine will not hasten a patient's death by interfering with his or her breathing, a new study shows.
