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Advantages of Attending Fashion Schools时装学校就读的优势
By B. McFarlane由乙为由

Fashion is where money is.时装就是金钱. The public has grown so obsessed with Hollywood that encourages the fashion industry to evolve on its lucrative growth.大众成长迷恋好莱坞时装业,鼓励其演变有利可图的增长. Instant popularity is at hand if you have the right combination of everything (say right choice of endorser, right choice of fashion ideas, innovative and creative sense of fashion and the likes).如果你是在流行速食面结合,一切有权利(选择权说背书,时尚选择权观念,创新意识和喜欢时装).

Nonetheless, the fashion industry is a hard business to penetrate.尽管如此,时装业是硬商务射穿. You must be equipped with the knowledge and influences that would provide you the maximum exposure you need to deliver your creations into the industry.你必须具备的知识和影响,将为你提供你需要的最高曝光您进入创作行业. But still, most of everything is commanded by your brilliance in designing that would give you center stage.但大部分都指挥你设计,能给你辉煌的中心舞台.

Your talent might be there.你才可能出现. It is an innate property that can't be stolen from you.这是一个属性,你不能偷去. It is in your own discretion though to let that talent turn into passion.这是你自己斟酌,虽然让人才变成激情. But talent and skills are not enough.但人才和技术是不够的. You have to undergo formal instructions to be able to hone those special features and direct them specifically towards becoming the best of your self.你也受过正规的指示能够秉持他们具体特点而直接走向你们最好自我.

This is the basic principle why这是基本原则为何 exist and continue to serve budding artists.存在并继续为初露头角的艺术家. They provide guidance and supplemental training to drive the artist to achieve with his creations.他们提供指导和辅助驾驶培训达到他创作的艺术家. While online而在线 have been gathering fame in the fashion industry, this still does not negate the fact that hands-on training and face-to-face instructions can't be equaled even by the best online degree offers.成名已聚集在时装业这还不否定事实操作培训和面对面的指示不能平分秋色,甚至最好提供网上学位.

Since you are considering entering a fashion school, it is expected of you to be knowledgeable enough on the fundamentals of fashion designing and basic awareness on designing.既然你考虑进入一个时装学校预计你们是不够认识时装设计的基本认识和基本设计. However, this is not an implication that the student must produce ramp-quality creations然而,这并不是意味学生必须出示匝道素质创作

initially.起初. Instead, you are expected to bring out the brilliance in simple designs and create concepts that you may have patterned on the works of some great fashion designers or better yet, designs of your own concepts.反而你预期带出简单图案,创造辉煌的观念,你就可能有纹路一些大的时装设计师的作品或会更美好,你自己设计的概念.

Remember that fashion designers only make name in the industry when they have produced something genuinely creative that can cater the present fashion sense while having the originality and good sense of distinction from other fashion trends.记得时装设计师的名字只作业时,可以产生一些真正有创意迎合目前时尚感,同时也有很好的创意,有别于其它时装潮流的意识.

You may not be possessing this nature for the moment.你可能不具备这种性质的时刻. But the thing is, an efficient fashion school could best bring out the brilliance in you and in your creations.但问题是,学校能有效地发挥出来的辉煌最好你和你的作品. Initially, you may be producing rubbish concepts but this would be set off with good learning you have acquired from a formal school.起初你可能会产生的垃圾的观念,但这掀起你有良好的学习从后天正规学校.

Some people may contend that even without proper education, an artist can create fashion trends that will be embraced by the public.也许有人认为,即使没有适当的教育,艺术家可以创造流行趋势,将会受到市民的拥护. Yes, that might be true.是的,这可能是真实的. But remember that there are too few individuals who have made it into the fashion scene with the littlest formal study.不过记住,还有人太少了它纳入正式的时装舞台与那小学习. Besides, even the trends in fashion change.另外,即使在时尚潮流的变化. What may have been true before cant be exactly true now.什么可能已经被即指前真真正正的. A formal schooling would update you of the most recent trends and the analysis of past styles that have recreated the industry.正式入学将更新你的最新趋势,分析过去所创造风格业界.

A fashion school, like tertiary education will help you seek out your niche.时装学校、高等教育一样会帮你找你的利基. You might have creative ideas lurking in your mind but these free-flowing ideas would be turned into nothing if not properly directed.你可能有创见,但这些隐藏在你心中畅通无阻想法如果不是会变成什么妥善导演.

Moreover, the experiences of instructors in the此外,在教练的经验 would be passed down on you.会传给你. Thus, you are less likely to fall into the same pitfalls they have arisen from themselves.因此,你不太可能掉入陷阱同他们有一技之长.


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