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pet care insurance guide

Protecting the smallest member of your family: A step-by-step guide to pet insurance
By Burke Jones
Let’s face it – Fido and Fluffy are an important part of your family. Do you want to have to assign a dollar value to them if they become sick or injured?

That may well be the case if you don’t have pet health insurance. Rising veterinary costs mean that pet owners can pay hundreds – and even thousands – of dollars for their pets’ health problems. As the bills stack up, uninsured pet owners must determine how much they are willing to spend on their animal friend. It can be a heartbreaking decision to make.

Much like insurance for health, cars and homes, helps people put a little money away now to avoid a major payout later. Coverage and cost vary, so it’s important to thoroughly research the options if you decide to insure your pet.

Step one: Determine if is Right for You

When people decide to get a pet, they often don’t consider how they will deal with the inevitable unexpected illnesses or accidents. Keeping a pet indoors by no means eliminates all the hazards. They can still swallow foreign objects, ingest a poison or injure themselves. As well, living indoors does not make a pet immune to disease and infection – particularly those that are common to their breed. Pets with access to the outdoors have even more opportunities to pick up a disease or get hurt.

Don’t have a dog or cat? Insurance companies are starting to offer plans that meet the needs of a variety of pet owners. Some now offer coverage for birds and exotic animals.

Not all owners are good candidates for pet insurance, however. is ideal for owners who deeply love their pets and are willing to spend a significant amount of money to keep them healthy and extend their life. They buy their cherished companions the best food and care they can afford, sometimes even putting their pets’ needs before their own. For this type of owner, can be a smart investment that can prevent considerable costs and bring peace of mind.

Pet insurance is not a good investment for owners who don’t have a strong emotional tie to their pet. Owners who would rather have their pets euthanized than spend money on vet bills are not good candidates for pet insurance.

Step two: Decide What Type of Coverage You Want

Most pet owners will weigh two main considerations when shopping for pet insurance: budget and coverage. Peace of mind can also be an important factor, but far more difficult to quantify.

Pet health insurance is still relatively new in the United States and Canada, so the options available are fewer than for other forms of insurance. That said, North American pet owners can choose from a variety of coverage choices, ranging from injury/accident-only to all-inclusive.

As with all insurance products, the cost of increases as the coverage improves. As a pet owner, you must decide what is

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Would you like to save big money on your Dog Medicine? Well if you buy your pet prescriptions online, you can do just that!
Cat Medicine
Your cat deserves the best Cat Medications available! However, you also have to be watching the budget if you don't want to spend your entire paycheck to buy medicine for your cat.
Dog Insurance
Buying dog insurance is one of the best investments you can make. Last year Americans spent billions of dollars on dog health care.
Cat Insurance
Cat insurance can save you big money on the health care costs of your cat. Many people probably have more than one cat in their home which will quickly double or triple your healthcare costs for your cats.
Pet Insurance
Pet health care cost Americans $18.2 billion last year!! Pet insurance can really help you keep these costs under control, and the expense for the health care plan is really affordable.
Cat Flea Medications
One of the joys of summer for the cat owner is fleas. There are many cat flea medications available today that were not available just a few years ago.
Cat Flea Medications
One of the joys of summer for the cat owner is fleas. There are many cat flea medications available today that were not available just a few years ago.

the right balance between affordability and the care you want for your pet.

- Coverage
When choosing coverage, first consider what kind of insurance customer you are. Do you prefer all-inclusive coverage that pays for everything from routine checkups and vaccinations to accidents and chronic illnesses, or are you comfortable with a lesser degree of coverage that just kicks in during emergencies? Perhaps you prefer a flexible plan that offers discounts on a wide range of services, from veterinary care to training. This decision will lay the groundwork for your final choice.

Some issues to consider:

* Make sure to check for coverage of pre-existing conditions as well as breed-specific genetic ailments, such as hip dysplasia for large dogs. Some plans refuse to cover these conditions.

* Some plans place limits on annual, per-incident, per-illness or lifetime costs.

* How old is your pet? Coverage usually starts at eight weeks, but some plans won’t cover pets over a certain age (usually between six and 10 years old, depending on the breed, type of animal and other factors).

- Cost
Les options de paiement pour incluent les honoraires ou les deductibles et/ou les Co-paiements plats. Pas étonnamment, les plans avec des primes mensuelles inférieures viennent avec des deductibles plus élevés et/ou de plus grands Co-paiements.

Quelques questions à considérer :

* Des primes d'assurance sont affectées par l'âge, la santé et la race de votre animal de compagnie, aussi bien que le type d'animal.

* Escomptes d'offres de quelques plans pour les animaux de compagnie multiples.

* Les plans exigent généralement des clients de payer la facture de vétérinaire d'abord et de soumettre ensuite des reçus pour le remboursement.

* Découvrir si les primes d'assurance augmenteront à mesure que vos âges d'animal de compagnie.

* Selon le plan que vous choisissez, les primes mensuelles peut s'étendre moins de de $10 environ à $40.

Étape trois : Choisir un assureur

Vous avez déterminé ce que vous pouvez se permettre pour dépenser et la quantité d'assurance vous veulent.

Avant de choisir un assureur, voici quelques considérations finales :

* Faire une liste de vos questions et priorités à l'avance. Veiller à répondre ou cocher à chaque article en passant en revue des options de plan.

* Rechercher l'assureur complètement. Passer en revue son site Web et matériaux de ventes, lire ses testimonials, parler à d'autres propriétaires d'animal de compagnie et rechercher les revues en ligne. Combien de temps la compagnie a-t-elle été dans les affaires ? Ses clients sont-ils satisfaits ? Vous assurez vous sentir confortable au sujet de tout vous entendre ou lire.

* Comparer le programme de l'avantage de plan aux honoraires de votre vétérinaire pour déterminer à quel degré le plan couvrira les coûts réels de traitement.

* Découvrir à quelle rapiditè la compagnie d'assurance paiements de réclamation rembourse clients des' et si elle a des dates-limites de réclamation.

* Lire la copie fine. Vous assurez vous complètement comprendre les avantages et, d'une manière primordiale, les limitations de plan. Si quelque chose n'est pas claire, demander - et obtenir la réponse dans l'écriture. Autrement, vous pourriez vous trouver n'avez pas l'assurance que vous avez besoin si un accident se produit.

* Commencer un dossier pour votre animal de compagnie. L'employer pour tous les reçus et écritures d'assurance ainsi vous pouvez garder sur vos réclamations et s'assurer vous maximisent votre investissement d'assurance.

Votre responsabilité en tant que propriétaire d'animal de compagnie ne finit pas avec la nourriture, l'abri et affection. L'assurance médicale maladie d'animal de compagnie peut donner au plus petit membre de votre famille par plus longue et plus saine vie - et te fournir plus d'heure d'apprécier l'amour sans conditions qu'elle t'offre tellement volontairement.
Étouffer Jones est un contribuant fréquent à l'écriture de dépôt de santé d'animal de compagnie au sujet de l'assurance de chien et de la médecine de chat.

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One of the joys of summer for the cat owner is fleas. There are many cat flea medications available today that were not available just a few years ago.
