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Financial Incentives for Your Business to Use Solar Power
By Richard Chapo
When it comes to running a business, much of the necessary focus is on the bottom line. Many businesses, however, fail to realize they can seriously cut energy costs by going solar.

Tax Incentives

Federal and State governments know the best way to initiate change is to provide an economic benefit. When it comes to energy, governments try to make the use of solar energy as economically attractive as possible to businesses. This is done through granting tax incentives in the form of tax credits and deductions. Depending upon which government agency is involved, federal or a particular state, corporations can get tax credits and deductions ranging from 10 to as high as 35 percent of the cost of purchasing and installing solar energy systems.

Net Metering

On top of the tax incentives given to businesses for going solar, a majority of states now offer incredible cost savings through net metering. Net metering refers to state laws that require utilities to purchase power generated from solar systems used by businesses at the same price the utilities would otherwise charge the business. If the business is producing energy in excess of what it is using, the energy is sent into the utility grid and the building power meter actually runs backwards. Since many businesses are closed two days a week, this effectively means the utility is buying the power on said days. Net metering

Mac McCarthy Magnet Motor
Florida inventor claims to have an all-magnet motor (no electrical or other fuel input) prototype ready to launch into the process of engineering for production. He is looking for partners and funding. (PESWiki; Mar. 20)
The Global Warming Swindle
Documentary produced in England destroys the arguments put forward by Al Gore and other activists who lay the primary blame for Global Warming at the feet of mankind. The sun is the culprit. (PESN; Mar. 19)
Proving the Secondary Oscillation Mechanical Amplification Effect
Brian Berrett's various test rigs demonstrate the gain derived in the secondary mechanical movement of a lever attached to a primary pendulum oscillator -- mechanical 'overunity' -- validating Veljco Milkovic's claims. (PESN; Mar. 18, 2007)
A123 Systems lithium-ion battery technology
A123 replaces the cobalt oxide in lithium-ion cells with nanophosphate, enabling a quick charge, while delivering high power density, with a long life-time. Is used in power tools, and is process of breaking into hybrid vehicle market. (PESWiki; March 16)
Cyclone Technologies Schoell Cycle Engine
The Cyclone Engine is designed around the principles of an external combustion engine, to efficiently use any liquid or gaseous fuel and create more power and significantly less emissions than current gasoline or diesel powered internal combustion engines. (PESWiki; Mar. 15)
Generator from Ambient Air by Kim Zorzi
L'inventore da Ultralight America propone un tipo pluricilindrico motore dell'aria, che è differente dai sistemi precedenti in quanto ha un carro armato rigeneratore. Zorzi dichiara che questo permetterà al sistema di repressurizzarsi, disegnando la relativa energia proveniente dal calore ambientale dell'aria. (PESWiki; 12 mar.)

è il mezzo incredibilmente efficace di ridurre i costi drasticamente pratici.

Prestiti solari

I commerci possono trarre ulteriori benefici con andare solari approfittando dei programmi solari di finanziamento di governo. Questi programmi di prestito offrono i termini incredibili in uno sforzo promuovere l'uso di energia rinnovabile e rendere a senso per gli entrambi la nuova costruzione ed i rinnovamenti. Generato tipicamente come dichiarano i programmi, questi “prestiti solari„ offrono il finanziamento per l'acquisto e l'installazione dell'apparecchiatura. I prestiti hanno tipicamente termini di sette - 10 anni e sono offerti poichè nessun interesse o finanziamento estremamente basso di interesse. Unito con i benefici economici di misurare netto, tali prestiti prendono la decisione per andare solare uno slam dunk.

Ciascuno dichiara tende a maneggiare la promozione di energia alternativa nei sensi differenti e con differenti benefici. Una volta uniti con i programmi federali, i commerci possono trarre un vantaggio finanziario dal usando le fonti di energia solare.
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