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Acid Reflux: Causes And Treatments
Most people have experienced 'Heartburn' or at some stage - usually after a rich meal or heavy drinking session: with symptoms mainly being a burning feeling behind the breastbone.
In instances of repeated reflux, oesophagitis (Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease), may occur. This is inflammation of the lining of the oesophagus, and is experienced as a repeated painful, burning feeling in the upper abdomen or chest. The acid may even reach the throat and mouth, producing a sour taste and burning sensation.

What Causes Acid Reflux

The oesophagus is the muscular tube that transports food to the stomach. occurs when the acidic contents of the stomach flow back into the oesophagus. It is usually prevented by a muscular ring, known as the lower oesophageal sphincter and occurs when this becomes relaxed. Although the symptoms are often called 'heartburn', actually has nothing to do with the heart and should not be confused with Angina, which is a cardiac problem needing medical attention.

Activities that can cause Acid Relfux

Apart from eating heavy meals, may also at times be brought on by bending and lifting. may also be caused by pregnancy or hiatus hernia.

Treatments for Acid Reflux

Perhaps the most common treatments for that occurs on an occassional basis are Antacids - which in most countries may be bought over the counter. A natural alternative to these are herbal remedies for acid reflux, of which the most common are chamomile, peppermint, and ginger. All of these herbs are known to relieve indigestion, and also soothe any irritation in the intestines. If these don't work then anti-histamines might be appropriate, e.g. cimetidine tablets: as histamine receptors are present in stomach lining cells, and when histamine binds to these receptors, the cells in the stomach lining produce acid, to aid digestion. Cimetidine binds to these receptors instead, thus reducing acid formation.

Working near chlorine pools tied to lung problems
ニューヨーク(Reutersの健康) -水泳教師は塩素で処理されたプールの近くで長時間使うおよび他の人々問題を呼吸する高められた危険に、オランダの研究者報告する直面する。

これらの薬剤は-胃癌の徴候を隠すかもしれ、悪い腎臓機能の場合で使用されるべきでないと同時に用心深く使用されるべきである。 ヒスタミンの受容器ブロッカーが働かなければプロトンポンプ抑制剤は適切であるかもしれない。 少数の場合では鍵穴の外科はoesophageal括約筋を増強するために必要かもしれない。


* - 7pmが頻繁に推薦された後就寝時間の食べ避けなさい。
*睡眠のための枕を上げることを試みるか、または専門家の抑制剤の 枕を使用しなさい。

厳しくなり、複雑化に導くことができるように徴候のほとんどの 病状の早期発見そして適切な処置と同じようにの有利でであって下さい -未処理に残っていればすぐに機能することは重要である。


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