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Solar Powered Lights

By Brennan Howe

All of our energy comes from the sun. Solar powered lights offer a low cost and do not pollute the environment. Such lights are very popular for garden use and landscaping. They are hassle free. There are no cables to worry about or the possibility of being electrocuted.

Are solar powered lights right for your home? These lights produce an intense glow and shadowing around the surrounding areas. Solar powered lights are perfect for those applications where a regular power source is unavailable. The solar panel collects sunlight and converts electricity. The electricity is stored in rechargeable batteries. The lights will be strongest during the first few hours of operation and then slowly diminish in output.

There are many styles and brands of solar powered lights to choose from. They are inexpensive. They are designed to accent your home. Many choose this option because it is much cheaper that installing electricity to another area as well as the environmental impact. Most individuals can install solar powered lights easily by themselves. This again saves money over having a professional come to set up for electricity. The internet offers many reviews on brands of solar powered lights. It is a great resource for comparing cost and effectiveness of the products available.

Several towns have taken to installing solar powered lights as street lights. They are able to store

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Florida inventor claims to have an all-magnet motor (no electrical or other fuel input) prototype ready to launch into the process of engineering for production. He is looking for partners and funding. (PESWiki; Mar. 20)
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up energy from the sun during the day and operate on that energy until early morning. The Solar Outdoor Lighting company donated and installed such lighting at the Ocala National Forest. Miami International Airport installed solar powered lights to offer additional security for their employees. They chose them for their low cost, environmental friendliness, the fact that they took a fifth of the time to install as regular lighting fixtures, and that they are going to be undergoing construction soon. The solar powered lights can be moved easily.

The biggest disadvantage of the solar powered lights is that they do require an adequate amount to sunlight to create the energy. If you have several days of cloudy weather, the lights may not operate effectively. This has affected the decision of some businesses. They feel if it is important enough to install lighting, then it needs to be reliable and available on a regular basis.

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