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acid reflux disease guide

Acid Reflux Disease
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What is disease?

Acid reflux disease can and often is mistaken for heartburn. But the heartburn symptoms of disease usually occur 2 or more days a week for at least 3 months and can damage your esophagus. At the top of your stomach is a muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which normally opens and closes allowing food to enter. It also prevents the acid in your stomach from backing up into your esophagus. The trouble begins when the LES opens at inappropriate times, allowing acid from the stomach to get into the esophagus, where it doesn't belong.

Acid reflux disease can also lead to more serious medical conditions that may require hospitalization. in the throat can cause sore throat. If acid reaches the mouth, it can dissolve the enamel of the teeth. Millions of people have the disease and suffer from its most common symptom - frequent and persistent heartburn. disease can be treated and controlled.

How do you get Acid Reflux?

Factors contributing to include fatty foods, cigarettes, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, obesity, pregnancy and delayed stomach emptying. Obesity and pregnancy increase pressures within the abdomen (body trunk), pushing the stomach contents back into the esophagus.Some patients have stomachs that empty their contents into the intestines very slowly.

How serious is Acid Reflux?

The lining of the esophagus may become ulcerated and can result in narrowing, making swallowing

Obese pregnant women may have weaker contractions
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Obese pregnant women are known to be at increased risk of an unplanned C-section, and now a new study suggests that weaker contractions of the uterus may be one reason.

of food and, sometimes, liquids, painful and difficult. In people with esophagitis, there may also be an increased risk of cancer of the esophagus.

How long does last?

O reflux ácido pode durar diversos meses ou mais longo se não tratado.

Como é tratado?

Os anti-ácidos são as medicinas que são usadas geralmente tratar sintomas ácido-relacionados, como o heartburn ou o indigestion, e trabalham neutralizando o ácido no estômago. Entretanto, não são recomendados geralmente tratar o heartburn freqüente sofrido por povos com o GERD.

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