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allergy guide

Know more about food allergy
By Dr Thanis Saksirinukul
The most common food defeated symptoms found in small children is allergic to cow's milk, because small children drinks cow's milk in everyday life. When they begin grows up then get more supplementary food such as eggs, then they may allergic to eggs also. For the adolescent and adults, the allergic to seafood are found in most cases
What are the symptoms of food allergy?
Food disease can effect to every system of the body , but the most common cases found with; - Alimentary canal symptoms ( vomit , stomachache , suffer from diarrhea) - Skin (urticaria) - Breath system , (sneeze , catarrh , cough, breath uncomfortably) in some cases, patient might get severe symptoms and die.

How do you know that what kind of food that you allergic to?
Once you have noticed that there is the same symptoms happend repeatedly after meal, you should go to see a doctor and investigate, then have a check-up. The most important information for the doctor that you should remember kind of the food that you have taken, the quantity that eat, the symptoms that happens so the doctor can diagnose easily. But in the some people who are suspected that allergic various kinds foods or not sure that which kind of food that allergic to. Doctor may ask the patient taking notes of what they have eaten in detail as well as unusual symptoms that happen for better diagnose. Besides, there is a skin test to identify the kind of food that patient allergic to, which takes only 15 minute for take the skin testing. Another option is to take blood test for food allergic. However the most accurate diagnosing method is to let the patient has a meal that suspect to be the cause of allergy, if the symptoms appear from eat certain kind of food and that symptom disappears when stop eating ,as a result , that patient is allergic to such food. However, this testing step should be within close supervision of a doctor, especially in case of symptoms is severe.

What is the most effective way to cure?
The most effective way is to avoid or never eat the

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food that you allergic to. You must also avoid every kind food that participate or assemble of the nutrient that you allergic. For example, if you allergic to cow's milk, then avoid the food that have milk is the components, such as , ice cream, biscuit and eat soybean milk instead. Medication treatment should be used only to cure specific symptom that appear from time to time such as use medicine to heal urticaria symptoms, medicine to decreases catarrh etc.

Pode o alimento permanentemente ser curado?
Em algum argumento, se os pacientes puderem evitar e ter não a tomada o alimento que allergic por o ano aproximadamente 1-2 consecutivamente, em conseqüência, o sintoma allergic desaparecem e curaram-se permanentemente. Entretanto, o seafood e o amendoim não podem geralmente ser curados. Para os bebês que allergic ao leite da vaca, aproximadamente 50% deles este sintoma é provável ser desaparecem quando têm 1 ano - velhos, 85% quando têm 3 anos velhos, e somente 15% começou ainda e 25% de uma criança que são allergic ao leite da vaca, têm frequentemente os sintomas esse allergic ao outro alimento.

Como impedir do allergy do alimento?
Para uma família que tem a primeira criança começou a doença pode reduzir uma possibilidade para que a criança seguinte comece a doença breast-feed perto pelo menos 4 meses ou mais. A mãe que breast-feed uma criança deve também evitar o alimento que causar a doença tal como, o ovo, o leite da vaca, o seafood, e a porca do amendoim durante breast-feeds o período.
Dr. Thanis Saksirinukul
Hospital de Srisaket, Tailândia
Web site: guia do allergy do alimento
recursos do tratamento do allergy

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