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The Sweet Smell of a Perfume Allergy
By Grant Segall
Ah….the sweet, smell of perfume! Today’s market is flooded with hundreds and hundreds of different fragrances ranging from floral to woodsy. Most women love the smell of perfume, wearing it even when going to the grocery store. The problem is that perfume for some women, is anything but nice.

Keep in mind that a perfume is not limited to the woman who wears it. For some people, men and women, just being around someone wearing perfume can have a devastating effect. Even regular household cleansers, air fresheners, fabric softener, scented candles, potpourri, hair spray, and shampoo can produce the same reaction. Although the smell of perfume might trigger a headache or rash, the more severe problem is a full-blown asthma attack.

Having a perfume is not something new. Unfortunately, many people are affected by the smell of perfume, especially when in a confined space. For instance, individuals working in an office environment might not have a choice but to be around someone wearing perfume. In this case, the only real solution is to request those individuals to stop wearing perfume to work (some may) or to ask if your desk can be seated in a different area. The problem is that not all companies are accommodating, meaning a new job must be found.

The good news is that because a perfume can produce such a serious reaction as asthma or an anaphylactic shock, you will find a number of products now on the market that are fragrance free. Many of these items are found in organic stores although traditional grocery stores are now trying to cater to all customers. Because

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no puedes controlar quién hace y no usa perfume, tú tienes que tomar medidas para protegerse si tienes una alergia del perfume. Esto pudo incluir dejar una entrevista de trabajo sabe, usar una máscara, o quizás tomar la medicación.

Si notas que tienes síntomas de los ojos itchy, nariz que moquea, wheezing, o tosiéndote cuando es usar perfume o el estar alrededor de la gente que hace entonces ocasiones están teniendo una reacción. Interesante, mucha gente tiene un perfume pero lo culpó en otras cosas, nunca uniformes considerando que la fragancia podría ser el problema. A veces, incluso los doctores faltan un perfume simplemente porque están acostumbrados más a tratar alergias estacionales, alergias del animal doméstico, y otras formas de alergia.

Además, recordar que mientras que puede ser que seas alérgico a algunos perfumes, es posible que no todas las fragancias crearán una reacción. La razón es que se realiza se compone de productos químicos que varían tan mientras que un producto químico puede accionar una reacción, otros productos químicos no pudo. Por lo tanto, es importante que prestas la atención a tus alrededores, tomando la nota si puedes establecer claramente estos síntomas específicos a la fragancia.

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