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acid reflux relief guide

Acid Reflux/heartburn - Simple Steps To Relief
By Andrew Kelly
ACID REFLUX/HEARTBURN - Effective Strategies to Stop the Burning. by Andrew Kelly

You've seen the advertisements: is a horrible disease that can cause damage to the
oesophagus and lead to cancer. Are these claims realistic, or simply exaggerated to sell over
the counter medications? The fact is that doctors don't even agree on the causes, treatments,
and long-term risks related to heartburn, so you can believe what you want about the ads.

Heartburn is the uncomfortable feeling resulting from acid reflux, or GERD, gastroesophageal
reflux disease (try saying that out loud a few times). It can feel like a burning sensation
(hence, the name), but can also feel like pressure in the chest, which is why it is sometimes
confused with feelings associated with heart attacks.

Acid reflux occurs when the muscle between the stomach and the oesophagus gets weak or relaxes
at the wrong time. The result is that the stomach contents, including the acid, move up into
the oesophagus. Because the oesophagus doesn't have the protective lining that the stomach
does, the acid literally burns the oesophagus.

What Works?

Several non-prescription drugs may be effective for mild to moderate acid reflux,
such as antacids, which neutralize stomach acids. These include well-known over the counter
medications such as Tums and Rolaids. Another option is H2 receptor antagonists, which reduce
the production of stomach acids. These include Axid AR, Pepcid AC, Tagamet HB, and Zantac 75.
Pepcid complete is the only of these that combines an antacid with an H2 receptor antagonist.
Which is the best treatment? One study found that Pepcid complete performed better than either
an antacid alone or an H2 receptor antagonist alone.

Prescription drugs prescribed to treat are called proton-pump inhibitors. These
include Aciphex, Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, and Protonix. While these are equally effective,
one study did find that Nexium may heal esophageal sores faster.

Homeopathic Remedies

Combined with homeopathic remedies, heartburn may be treated effectively
with less reliance on over the counter or prescription medications. Together, these solutions
may provide the answers where just one solution fails to deliver on the promise.

Natural options that may help reduce GERD include deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), which may
bring fast relief and help heal damaged lining. Aloe Vera juice may also act quickly to bring
relief. For those with chronic problems, Gamma-oryzanol (rice bran oil) may be useful, as could
choline, pantothenic acid, and thiamin. These natural solutions may provide more effective
short-term relief as well as provide long-term dietary benefits.

Why Try a Homeopathic Remedy?

The benefits of natural solutions is that they are often less

Obese pregnant women may have weaker contractions
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Obese pregnant women are known to be at increased risk of an unplanned C-section, and now a new study suggests that weaker contractions of the uterus may be one reason.

and reduce the chances of becoming reliant on a particular solution. Natural solutions
원인을 영향 만큼 대우하고, 규정식과 대안으로 실험을 포함하십시오
처리는 문제의 원인을 줄이는 것을 도울지도 모른다. 게다가, 동종요법 전부
위에서 언급된 치료는 카운터 또는 처방전 약물에와 함께 이용될 수 있다.

Cancer를 일으키는 원인이 되는가?

학문 위에 와 암은 변화한다. 1개의 학문은 저것을 보여주었다
만성 8 시간 만큼 oesophageal 암의 기회를 곁에 증가했다.
다른 학문은 한 번 생각되었다 만큼 암의 모험이 거의 아니다는 것을 결정했다.
만성 깡통은 지도하고 생각된 Barrett의 식도에 지도하거나, 있다,
암에 있는 증가. 의사의 그룹에 의해 연구된 것을이 모험의 발견했다
암은에서 아니 만큼 이전에 생각해, 일으키는 원인이 되지 않을 것이라는 점을 암을 를 위한 있으십시오 주장한 있어
대부분의 사람들.

심문받지 않는 무엇이 불편하다는 것을 이다. 만성 GERD는 이다
로 살게 곤란한, 그리고 및 자연 전통적인 약물 둘 다로 실험
치료는 제일 해결책일지도 모른다. 연구가 GERD의 원인 그리고 영향에 계속한 대로,
추가적인 선택권은 따라 오기 할 것 같다.


앤드류 켈리는 당신이 통제할 것을 돕도록 당신을 최신 정보 & 전략에 최신이라고 유지한다
당신의 산성 퇴조 또는 가슴앓이. 응답 더를 위한 이 연결을 방문하십시오:

저자에 관하여

앤드류 켈리는 당신을 최신 산성 퇴조에 최신이라고 유지한다 또는 가슴앓이 기복 앤드류 켈리는 산성 퇴조 가슴앓이에서 긴 기간 난민이다, 그는 최신 처리와 기복 전략을 찾아내기에 년을 바치고 점화를 치료하기 위하여 모두를 돕기 위하여 기울인다.

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