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A Look At The Different Acid Reflux Symptoms
By By Seth Miller

Acid reflux symptoms vary in degrees of discomfort, from person to person, and within different age groups. The most common and persistent symptom is a burning sensation centered in the middle of the chest and/or throat, brought on by stomach acid that churns up onto the lining of the esophagus. This is due to the relaxing of the esophageal sphincter (valve), which remains open when it should be closed. also leads to one of the most unpleasant symptoms known as regurgitation of acid into the mouth, often due to overeating, or bending down after a meal.

People who suffer from disease, also called gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, exhibit symptoms that are chronic, persistent, and have a debilitating effect on their daily lifestyle. Though heartburn is the most common of the disease symptoms, other signs may also manifest themselves. These symptoms include wheezing, coarseness in the throat, breathing problems, acid regurgitation, a bitter taste in the mouth, dry coughing, interrupted sleep, tightness in the throat, and halitosis (bad breath).

The risks for disease increase, as most potential health problems, with age. Children also suffer from this disease, with symptoms that range from recurring coughing, vomiting, and breathing problems.

Don’t be confused by the term heartburn. Many believe

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NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Swimming teachers and other people who spend a lot of time near chlorinated pools face an increased risk of breathing problems, Dutch researchers report.

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산성 퇴조에 의하여 정보 원인에 종합 정보, 증후, 처리를 제공하고, 정상 및 유아 산성 퇴조에 연합되는 식이요법을 한다. 정보는 진통 웹의 자매 위치이다.

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