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Allergy doctor: What is that?
By Chelsea Aubin
Any doctor that can help you with an problem is considered an doctor. General physicians that develop a special interest in the matter can develop the skills that are required of and doctor. Some hospital specialists also treat allergies in patients that are referred to them. For example, skin specialists may have to look after the skin problems resulting from allergy.

The study of allergies and also the study of the immune system are closely related. Therefore, your local immunologist can become your doctor and you can see him or her for any problems. So pediatricians, general practitioners, internists, allergists and pulmonologists - all of them can treat your allergies as well as asthma and can function as your doctor.

Internist and pediatricians have to undergo special training in what doctors have to do before they can work as an immunologist or doctor. They obtain certification when they clear an examination in the specialty area of and immunology. An doctor will see patients who have more of and asthma problems, as they are more trained in this field.

Your regular physician could refer you to an doctor. Once you

The common cold is no match for natural healing therapies: minerals, herbs and foods stave off colds and flus
It happens to everyone, sometimes multiple times a year. That's why it's called the common cold, right? But while we're all familiar with the common cold, we may only know of one or two ways to fight it, which usually involve some sort of over-the-counter medication, or the folk remedy, a bowl of chicken...
Dr. Mary Ann Block teaches alternatives to mainstream ADHD treatments for children and adults
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Asthma explained by common allergy to milk and dairy products
The link between asthma and cows' milk is familiar to many young asthma sufferers and their parents. I first became aware of the connection through my cousin's experiences with his four-year-old son. Since infancy, my cousin's son has experienced severe asthma attacks and has been hospitalized twice...
Healing with water: the work of "water cure" pioneer Dr. Batmanghelidj
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Asthma is a false disease caused by chronic dehydration and body's drought management efforts, says doctor
Mike: I'd like you to elaborate a little more on asthma, and the idea that the body is managing its water supply deliberately in a way that produces symptoms that are called asthma. Dr. B: Yes, well you see, drought management means that you have to clog the holes where water is lost from the body...
Asthma inhalers actually worsen asthma; cow's milk and chronic dehyration are the root cause
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começaram o problema sob o controle, você não terá que ir frequentemente outra vez ao doutor. O doutor deve manter-se no toque com seu médico regular. Você pode ser certo que você estêve consultado ao doutor direito, e que o tratamento está indo bem quando você cessa de ter problemas. Você observará uma diferença grande em suas atividades diárias e o fácil em qual são realizados. Quando todos os sintomas são idos, você saberá que seu doutor fêz um trabalho bom.

Se você estiver procurando um doutor e um cant parecem encontrar um que você pode fazer algumas coisas. Primeiramente você deve começar olhando nos white pages de seu livro de telefone. Você pode também olhar nos Yellow Pages sob médicos. Os médicos serão alistados sob sua área de specialty, tal como o “Allergy & o Immunology.” É uma idéia boa escolher um doutor que seja certificado com a placa.
Descobrir os Allergies, os remédios e os sintomas em

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