For Sale By Owner Tips出售老板小费
Sell Your House Without a Real Estate Agent你的房子卖无房地产经纪人

Should you sell your home yourself?你应该回家卖你吗?
Evaluating your home评价你的家
Preparing for the market备战市场
How to advertise your home如何宣传你的家
How to show your home如何显示你的家
Legal Issues法律问题

Real Estate Articles房地产物品


Should You Sell By Yourself?一旦你卖了吗?

Are you thinking about selling your home?  Would you like to sell it by yourself instead of hiring a real estate agent?  If so it would be beneficial to review the pros and cons of selling your home by yourself before hanging out the sign.你想卖你的家?你想卖,你不是一个真正的用人地产代理?若有这将有利于审查利弊推销你自己的家园然后挂出招牌.


Selling your home without an agent means More Money.  If that’s not an incentive, what is?  By selling it yourself you save the fees or commissions (thousands of dollars) that you would have to pay an agent.你家销售代理人意味着更多的钱.如果没有一个诱因,什么?它卖你自己救费或佣金(十万美元),你就要付代理人.

You are able to decide the times for open houses and showings as well as where you want to advertise.  Because you are only selling one home - unlike a real estate agent who is working with many buyers and sellers – you will always be focused on the selling of your home.  You will have more interest in the sale than a real estate agent who may be looking for bigger commissions elsewhere.你就可以决定的时候,放映露天房子以及那里你想要做广告.因为你是唯一一个卖家不像房地产经纪人正在与许多买家和那些卖家祐永远集中交售你回家.你会有更多的兴趣销售不是房地产经纪人佣金可能寻找其他地方更大.


Real estate agents are paid good money for a reason.  Selling a home takes a lot of time and energy.  Open houses, dealing with potential buyers, closing sales and dealing with the legal issues are familiar turf for these people and their experience can impact the sale.房地产代理商支付好钱的道理.卖家要花很多时间和精力.开放房子,对付潜在买家截止销售及处理法律问题,这些人都熟悉的草地和经验可以影响出售.

Be realistic about what you are willing to do.  Will you drop everything to make a showing?  Are you able to ‘close the deal’ and ask for an offer?  It is not everyone who can take on such a big project or can handle the tension of dealing with buyers.你必须面对现实,愿意做.你丢下作呈现?你能'成交',请报价?不是每个人可以承担这么大还是可以处理工程紧张处理买家.

However, if the challenge excites you and if you are ready for hard work and willing to learn then it is not impossible for you to manage alone.  With a little know-how and a lot of energy, you can sell your home without the help of a real estate agent and reap the rewards!但是如果你兴奋的挑战,如果你愿意和勤奋学习、肯那你不可能单独管理.一个小诀窍和大量能源,你可以卖你家的帮助,并获取了房地产经纪人的奖励!

Where do you begin?你那里开始?

Start with evaluating your home – how much can you ask?  What work needs to be done?  How do you decide how much your house is worth without asking too much and scaring buyers off or too little and not making what you should?先从评价你家问你能有多大?需要做哪些工作?您根据你的房子多少值得保险柜、吓唬买太多或太少,而不是客你应该作什么?

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