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Learn the Course: Fairways学习过程:航道
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Learn The Course: Fairways学习过程:航道

There is greater challenge in keeping a healthy looking fairway and green for the whole golf course.有更大的挑战,保持了健康的绿色让整个航道展望高尔夫球场. Because more than forty thousand golf players come and enjoy the whole fairway, damage to the grass is inevitable.由于四万多名运动员前来享受高尔夫整个航道,破坏草地是不可避免的. The best advice that professional owners and caretakers can give to other golf course starters is to use the right fertilizer and maintenance technique to best assist them in managing the whole fairway and green.最佳专业咨询,可以为其他业主及管理员高尔夫球场使用权是打响化肥和维修技术,帮助他们在管理最好整个航道和绿色.

Below are some of the highly recommended grass products for seeding and reseeding to have a consistent green grass color during winter or fall.以下是一些基层的推荐产品有播种和补种绿草颜色一致在冬季或秋季.

Pennington Annual Ryegrass宁顿年度黑麦草

Advisable to use on a temporary or seasonal area如需使用面积为10.44或季节性

Can also be best during warm weather conditions while over seeding the grasses.也可在温暖的气候条件最好的,而对秧如茵.

The best time to plant it is at the beginning of fall厂的最佳时机是在刚开始下降

The seeding rate should be ten pounds per 1,000 square feet but only five pounds per 1,000 square feet when reseeding.播种率要十斤每千人仅有5磅每平方英尺1000平方英尺当补种.

Fairway Classics Perennial Ryegrass Lawn Seed Blend Tournament Quality航道经典黑麦草草坪种子混合赛质量

These ryegrasses are used to blend with the grasses that are permanently planted for the lawns of the North or during the winter season and can be used for reseeding in the southern part.这些ryegrasses习惯于把那些与如茵的草坪种植永久的北方还是冬季取暖季节,可用于补种在南部.

The best time to plant it is at the beginning of the fall season.厂的最佳时机是在年初秋时节.

The seeding and reseeding rate should be ten pounds per 1,000 square.播种和补种率要十斤每千人广场.

Here are the tips on how to maintain that healthy look of golf fairways:这里的提示,如何保持健康的样子高尔夫航道:

By using the right fertilizer - for the fairway to get that great looking green all throughout the year use the fertilizer that provides organic nitrogen to the soil when the grass needs it.用权肥的航道得到很大一年四季都用绿色展望提供有机肥料,在土壤中氮的基层需要. It will be good to avoid too much growth that is the main cause of insect and other grass disease problems.这将是一个好的增长,避免过多的主要原因是草地和其他疾病的昆虫问题. By also using the right fertilizer, groundwater, lakes and the streams are not easily polluted with nitrogen.使用权也由化肥、地下水、溪流、湖泊污染氮不易.

Use fertilizer regularly - golf course owners regularly fertilize the fairways and greens.经常使用化肥-高尔夫球场业主定期施肥航道和滚. This is very vital with the use of best products prior to seeing that the whole soil and fairway is undergoing any stress.这是非常重要的,与产品的最佳使用之前看到整个土壤和航道经历任何压力. This makes the whole place maintain a condition best for playing.这使得整个地方保持最佳状态发挥.

Iron should also be present when selecting the right fertilizer - Fertilizers that contain iron are very helpful to plants since it maintains that very deep color of green for the whole fairway.铁也要当选准肥肥料含有铁十分有利于植物自认为非常深颜色为全绿翡翠. This is not a nutrient that does not result in excessive growth which nitrogen can cause grass.这并不是说,不会造成过多的营养生长而造成氮草. Owners could choose between 2 kinds of iron filled fertilizer products in dry granules or in liquid sprays.车主可选择2种钢铁产品填补干颗粒肥料或液态喷剂.

Do not worry about weeds, just control them - Quality golf courses are not susceptible to overgrowing weed problems since they do have a thick and tight turf.不担心杂草、他们只是控制品质高尔夫球场并不容易,因为他们确实有问题丛生杂草浓厚草坪和紧迫. But some golf courses do.但有些高尔夫球场. Remember that the seeds of weeds propagate where there is a lot of light and moisture in the area.记得杂草种子传播有很多轻、水分的范围. Once the whole fairway is thick enough with grass, the weed seeds may not be able to fit in since there is no adequate gap to get light and moisture.一旦整个航道是浓得草杂草种子未必能适应由于没有得到足够的差距,并结合水分.

Never leave a place for insects and grass diseases - the rapid growth of the fairway in golf courses result in an extreme growth of top.不退地和草地昆虫疾病的快速增长,在高尔夫球场因航道在极端成长首位. This invites insects and other diseases to feed on the top growth.这邀请来捕食昆虫和其他疾病的高增长. Fertilizers that release nitrogen slowly aid in limiting excessive top growth.氮素肥料释放缓慢增长最高援助限制过多.

Make sure that the blades of the mower are sharp - golf course owners and caretakers make it a point to keep the blades of the mower sharp enough in cutting the grass to prevent grass tear.确保割草机刀片的锋利-高尔夫球场业主及管理员应意保留的割草机刀片不够锐利,防止草铲草泪. When the grass tears, the whole fairway will result into a gray looking spot.当草泪,将导致整个航道变成灰色看现货. Another down side of this is that torn grass invites diseases to infest on it.另一边是撕了邀请基层疾病肆虐情况. Remember also that the stress is lesser if the grass is mowed frequently.也要记住,如果应力较小芳草射倒频繁.

Excessive watering can also cause damage - too much watering of the fairway and green results to a pale green color.浇水过多,会造成损害-浇水太多的航道和绿色环保成果向帕莱颜色. To maintain that healthy looking green color and for the nutrients to be absorbed much better, try to frequently but just shallow water the grass for this keeps the roots of the grass near the top layer of the soil.保持健康,寻找绿色,将吸收养分的好得多,常常只是尝试浅水这使得基层根草名列前茅一层泥土.




